• Now is a busy time for planting seeds!  The ground is warming up but remember that frosts can appear up until May, which can kill off many tender young plants.  Check what is recommended for each type of plant as to whether it needs to be planted under shelter, such as in a greenhouse or cold frame, or whether it can be planted straight into the ground outside.  Tomatoes, chillies and aubergines need to be planted by the end of this month at the latest as they need a long growing season but they will need shelter from the cold.  Start planting celeriac, pumpkins, courgettes and leeks, but keep these protected too.  Beetroots, carrots and peas can be sown outside, but be wary with your peas as these are a favourite of mice!  It can be better to sow these under protection until they are big enough to be planted out safely (about 15cm tall)
  • Finish preparing your beds ready to receive your plants when the time is right
  • Plant out your seed potatoes.  Aim for planting out your second earlies in the first two weeks and your maincrop potatoes in the second two weeks
  • Plant out broad beans that have been sown under cover in February or March.  You may need to protect them with fleece initially if very cold weather is forecast
  • Plant out onion and shallot sets
  • Asparagus crowns and Jerusalem artichokes need to have been planted out this month at the latest